Discussion: My Favorite Historical TV Series


One of my favorite genres of television is historical fiction. I watch a lot of it, though I still have several series that I’ve yet to seen, but these are 7 of my favorites. They’re in no particular order.

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TV Review: Crazyhead (Series One)


crazyheadTitle: Crazyhead
Creator: Howard Overman
Premiered: Dec 16, 2016 (Netflix)
Genre: Horror, Comedy
Rating: ★★★1/2

I tried to keep this review relatively spoiler free. Most plot mentioned is from the trailer, but I also included a bit more information that I felt important to a review. 

Crazyhead is a horror comedy from Howard Overman, the creator of Misfits. It stars Susan Wokoma as Raquel and Cara Theobold as Amy. There are a few other main characters, but these two are the leads and it’s so nice to see a female-driven supernatural show. Amy’s best friend Suzanne played by Riann Steele is also of importance to the plot. Most of the secondary characters are male, but Raquel and Amy are the focus, and that’s my favorite part of the show. Read More »